Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blogging Network And Blogging System

Blogging Network

Joining a Blogging Network may be the best thing for you, especially if you are just starting out with your blog. You should consider all the benefits of joining a blogging network, with the drawbacks before starting your blog.  A very good example where you are reading this blog post now at Success Novice Blogspot, is a Blogging Network from Blogger. This is a great place for newbies where you first starting to learn about blogging.

If you already have a blog, but it is not receiving much traffic, you can consider switching to a blogging network where your blog will receive more attention. If you are just starting out, a blogging network will help you to gain traffic but it may limit you in the long run if you want to make changes to your blog or if your blog becomes wildly popular.

If you already have a successful blog, then joining a blogging networks is probably not a good idea for you. You will be limited by the bandwidth your blog can receive and may not be able to carry over your existing design elements.

Blogging System

If you want to have a total control on your blog site with full customization at your own preference, you may consider switching to using a blogging system. However, blogging systems are not free.  You will need to buy a web host and also a domain name at a monthly or annual fee to maintain your site

Wordpress.org – Wordpress is the leading blogging system that is installed onto a web host. It provides powerful features over your blog. Easily add Ads, blog posts, and advanced plugins to increase functionality.

 I personally like to use WordPress where I started my first blogging site at SuccessNovice.com to share more of my knowledge through this great blogging system.  Of course, I need to get a web host and a domain name to get started.

Joomla.org – Joomla is a powerful Content Management system that allows for content heavy blogs such as News websites like CNN.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Affiliate Programs - What Are They?

Affiliate programs (also known as associate, referral, partner, or revenue sharing programs) are one of the fastest growing e-commerce segments because they create mutually beneficial relationships for the original seller and for the partner or affiliate.

 An affiliate program is simply one of the most leveraging methods for a company to promote its products or services without the expense of issuing any basic salary to full or part-time ‘employees’, or I would prefer to say ‘marketers’. An affiliate is a commissioned sales representative who earns solely from the profits of each product/ or service sold as individual. In another words, you sell the products and/or services for a particular company and you earn a commission on all sales.

 The beauty about affiliate programs is that the company handles all the order processing, billing, shipping, lost order tracking, etc. All you need to do is simply advertise the product or service - using an affiliate tracking code so the company knows who sold the product - and collect your commissions through their affiliate network provider.

Why Affiliate Programs So Hot On Market?

 Affiliate programs are available to you all across the Internet. You won’t have a boss breathing down your neck or monitoring your coffee breaks. You don’t have to make cold calls on rude people who don’t know you and don’t care to. You don’t have to suffer endless hours of telephoning prospects. See why affiliate and associate programs are fast becoming one of the HOTTEST ways to make profits online quickly?

 If you want to earn some additional income stream for yourself but totally new to affiliate programs, I will  strongly recommend you to start with Clickbank first. Clickbank is one of the most recommended places where most affiliate marketers (regardless newbies or veteran marketers) will be the first place to think of and start to earn their affiliate commissions there.

Introducing Cyber Whizz -- Learn to Express Your Thoughts Online

If you want to learn and know more about affiliate programs as it how it can help you.... Or even want to know whether this is the RIGHT path for you to earn online, check out  our First-Time FREE Consultancy at Cyber Whizz. We'll give you our professional advice to help you clear your doubts.

 X'mas Special Deal From Cyber Whizz

The beauty of reseller product is that you can sell quickly to set up a product to sell almost instantly and you don’t have spend every penny of it to create a product or even to hire a web designer to create a website to get started..

In this Christmas season, Cyber Whizz has created a very special deal at a limited time for selling a package that worth $1253. If you can just sell a single reseller product offered from the Cyber Whizz X’mas Special Deal, you will make at back at least every single cent with profits you have invested.

You will not believe your eyes how crazy the price will be offered by Cyber Whizz . As this is only a limited time offer, check out Cyber Whizz X’mas Special Deal now before the price goes up.



Friday, December 3, 2010

Quick And Easy Way To Create A Facebook Fan Page

A Facebook Page is sometimes also called as a Fan Page. Since it's not an easy task to figure it out on how to do it on yourself, you may want to know how to create a Facebook Fan Page here:

1.    Log into your Facebook account.

2.    Copy the link below and paste it on your browser.


3.    On Official Page, choose your selection that relates the use for creating your Facebook Page. Write a Page name to identify your Facebook Page. Click the ‘Check Box’. Click onto ‘Create Official Page’ button to create your Facebook Page.

4.    A pop up box on ‘Create Official Page’ will appear. Simply click onto ‘Create Page’ button.

5.    Your Facebook Page is now created. It’s time to give a face-lift on your Facebook Page by providing images, some information about your Page, etc.

This blog post helps you to guide though to create a Facebook Fan Page quickly. If you already have created a Facebook Page and want to know how you can add an opt-in form to your Facebook Fan Page, check out this blog post from Success Novice: How to Add an Opt-in Form in Facebook Fan Page.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Can Your Business Keep Up With Digital Age?

 How do you know what online marketing strategies to choose from that is best for your business online? There are always emerging new tactics, new ideas, and new tools coming out every day, and most business owners simply don't have the resources to jump right into every one of them. The problem is, that it is not easy to figure out which online marketing strategies will work best and be the most cost-effective for your business.

 The changing pace of internet is considerable frightening. Even just within the realm of search marketing, the way of how internet works have changed so drastically over the years with no signs of slowing down.

 The internet industry has now gotten so big and so sophisticated; it just gets even more challenging every year to maintain your edge if you're out there doing big paid search programs

 People are starting to think about how to optimize their online marketing strategies for their business by integrating their paid search efforts with their social and their organic, and their email, display, and affiliate... and that’s where the new challenges come in on the competitive market.

 Many businesses are more comfortable with paid search, simply because it's relatively easy to measure, as compared to social media marketing, whose metrics are still emerging.

By looking at how internet evolved with searches through internet just in the past two years: real-time search, personalized search, social search, Google Instant, Instant previews (recently launched by Google), Facebook data in Bing results, the rise of mobile and connected TV devices. And that is just how internet evolved quickly with just searching for information only through different search platforms.

 With so many new technologies, platforms, and implementations coming out it's practically impossible to know which ones to take advantage of.  New initiatives cost money and resources, so businesses are reluctant to just jump into new ideas. Should you play the wait and see game? Wait and see how they emerge? Set a timeline for observation? Or jump into the trend to be the pioneer of the new evolution? Of course, there will be a certain percentage of uncertainty and risk involve.

 Internet business has no difference with off-line business. This is a cold-hard fact for internet business: the competition for online business is fierce, particularly in the present economic climate. As such, it is essential that online business owners implement the best strategies to keep one step ahead of the competition.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sourcing Images For Your Site

 There is an old saying: ‘A picture speaks a thousand words’. And it can be very true with website design which normally starts with having a great header graphic. With appropriate images that blend well to your site, they can bring your site page to life and they add an extra professionalism that is indescribable with text alone.

 So, where do you get great images from?

 Firstly, here are the two places you should consider to avoid ...

 The first one is Google Images. You can avoid most images but not all. And avoid at all cost on images that belong to other people’s web sites. Why? The reason is simple. Grabbing images from other people’s sites, even Google images, tends to be illegal. Or I can say even illegal indirectly is also consider as a copyright theft. I’m sure you don’t want to get into a fight with one of those upstanding citizens who have chosen the legal profession as a way of extracting money from people.

 If you can’t steal them from Google, where can you get your hands on some high quality photographs without having to empty your wallet at the same time? It’s not exactly true that you never get anything for free. Here are two great resources you can consider that worth checking out for free legal images.

FREEFOTO: http://www.freefoto.com

MORGUEFILE: http://www.morguefile.com

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How to Get Free Traffic with Indexing

 To have a successful blog, you have to build a blog that your readers will appreciate and love. And that is something you can be proud of as a great bloggie!

 Having a great, unique and high-quality content that provides real value to readers is something that you need for being a successful blogger. Or I can say, this is the first thing you need for having a successful blog.

 When your first article has already been posted, and you shall begin posting new articles every day if you look yourself an active blogger. In fact, there are a few things you can do to boost your success.

 Once you've got content on your blog, you need to get it "indexed" by Goggle and the other search engines. This will happen automatically but it may take some time to happen on it's own.

 Over time, Google and the other search engines will find your blog and start sending you "organic" search traffic. Sweet!

And in the mean time, here's what you can do to speed the process:

   1. Start bookmarking your articles
   2. Comment on other blogs with links to your articles
   3. Use social media to generate links to your articles
   4. Use Web 2.0 properties to generate links to your articles

 OK, so you may have noticed that it's all about getting links to your articles. That's because every inbound link counts as a vote for your articles. And the more votes you get, the more important Google thinks your blog is.

2 Ways To Get Traffic

 Having a blog with great, unique and high-quality content that provides real value to readers is something that you need for being a successful blogger. This is the important element you need for having a successful blog. But no one is visiting your blog to read this great content, click the links and earn you commissions if you want to earn some extra cash for yourself through the blog you have created… So what do you do?

There are two ways to get traffic to your site:

    * Pay for it
    * Get it free

I’m going to assume you’re interested in free traffic, so I’ll talk about that…

How to Get Free Traffic with Indexing

There are two main ways to get free traffic to your site:

    * From search engines
    * From other sites

 In the interesting part of internet, the efforts that you make to get traffic from other sites will eventually lead to traffic from the search engines. Search engine traffic is the holy grail of free traffic and it is pretty cool that the things we’ll do to make this happen will also generate free traffic from other sites in the process.

 Getting your blog site indexed is the first step in getting traffic from Google and other search engines. This means that Google knows about your site existence where Google will visited your site and taken some notes on it. Google will store your site data in their huge database. Whether Google decides to share your site with others depends on your ranking… But the first step is getting indexed.

 And the only way to get indexed is to get inbound links from sites that are already indexed and “crawled” to your site regularly. It will notice the link to your site and even follow that link and see what’s on your site. This is how you get traffic by getting yourself indexed.  If you are interested to learn more about inbound links, Success Novice has posted an article on how to get your blog indexed with inbound links.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Something That You Need Before You Earn From Blogging

 Most people I've come across have excellent blogs, with loyal readers and high traffic, but they struggle to maintain their blogs, writing during lunch time of after a hard day at work.

 These people I'm talking about, blog part time. It's more of a hobby for them actually, and they enjoy doing it.

 But what if your blog can get you out of your dead-end job?

 Then you can blog full time, and get paid for what you already love to do - wouldn't that be great?

 There's nothing wrong with turning your passion into a business. In fact, most of the successful bloggers you see today are very passionate about what they do, just like you.

 But they also make tons of money from their blogs.

 This is what you need to learn to be a successful blogger that can help you to make money through blogging

(1) How to get TRAFFIC

Without traffic there's absolutely no way you're going to make a decent income online.

(2) How to Monetize your Blog

There are always more than a way to monetize your blog from your traffic of readers.

(3) How to get MORE TRAFFIC

Yes, that's right! After all, you can never have "too much traffic" now, can you?

 Did you see something in common? Yes, that ‘something’ you need is ‘TRAFFIC’. Traffic is one crucial source of your income. Without traffic, there will be no reader who will notice about your blog, not to mention about making money from blogging.
 By now I think most people in the world know about blogs. What most don’t know as there is a great income to be made as well for free… Go to the link below and you'll discover:

- How One Dumb Little Automated Blog Earned $14,480.13 Last Month

- The 5 Biggest Secrets That Guarantees A Home Run Style Success For Any Blog You Create In 2010

- The Most Successful Step-By-Step Blueprint For Long Term Blogging Success

- The Secrets To Building A Blog Empire That Earned Over $1,107,693

- How To Create Real Blogs In Just A Few Clicks

- 6 Sure-Fire Promotion Techniques That Are Responsible For Driving Over 2.1 Million Visitors To Just One Of My Blogs.

- How Any Business Or Individual Can use Blogging For More Exposure And Gain An Instant 'PHD' Credibility Status

- The One Technique No One Else Is Telling You About On How To Build A Multi Million Dollar Blogging Empire

Plus there's much more and it's all laid out in a simple step-by-step roadmap anyone can follow even if you don't have any experience with blogging before. This is a great guide  for a complete blogger newbie to get started who wants to earn money from blogging.

Just check it out now on the complete blueprint of a blogging millionaire

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Enhance Your Email Marketing With Multi-Media

 As this is a known fact, email marketing works! And when done right, it works well. So why in the world would you want to use any other form of marketing?

 Well, the bottom line is that email is a marketing "Cure-all". Other forms of marketing fill different needs and produce different emotional and psychological responses. And depending on the purpose of your marketing message, you may want to consider an alternative form of communication.

 By incorporating multi-media into your marketing efforts, you're showing your contacts that they are more than just a name on a list.
They are someone worth spending time on. Plus, with multi-media you can connect with your contacts in a way thay are most likely to respond to. Not everyone is sitting at their computer waiting for a message from you. But that doesn't have to stop you from connecting with them.

 The use of multi-media enhances everything you're doing with email marketing. It gives you a chance to communicate more effectively and ensure you're connecting (in one way or another) with everyone in your database.

 The age of hit and miss email marketing is over. It's time for small business owner to focus on the marketing concepts that really matter. In nutshell, 3 important keys of email marketing success is dependable on these 3 simple points:

1. Send Only Relevant Message

2. Keep Your Email Marketing Consistent and Predictable

3. Enhance Your Email Marketing With Multi-Media

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Simple Secret To Master Internet Marketing

 There are a lot of things to learn about internet marketing. And many internet marketing gurus sell their SECRETS to make internet profits. But is there really any secrets to make real money in the internet? To me, there is no secret about how to master it.

 What makes people to be more successful in this industry are all base on their passion and goal - what you really want in life. How I started is very a long long grandmother story. (Actually I'm writing a book to share my experience, do wait till I release) I'm sure you also have your own great stories in life in the learning journey of internet marketing.

 I got lot of experience base on learning, implementing and testing when I just started out. I also learnt from failures too. I believe no one starting out with great success. Most important thing is to learn from failures and able to get up from where you fall.

And there is no guarantee quick and easily big bucks where you can earn thousands of dollars within a week from internet marketing as an internet newbie without investing any money. Internet marketing is just like business, no investment will not have big returns. Even you make investment into it may not guarantee your return if you not doing the right way. Therefore you need to learnt how to invest your knowledge in the right way.

 This is one lesson I want to share:

 “Don't follow blindly from what you have learnt from those so-call internet marketing gurus.”

 I believe many people have experience of spending thousands of dollars and gain nothing from it except buying their products again and again. When you buy a product/service/System, use it, implement it and access it. As a new internet marketer, it is essential to learn the gurus’s expertise, think of their strategies whether they are suitable for you, and think of the possible ways to innovate them or combine them from what you have learnt. People who are more successful on internet industry are those who set their thinking further than what they can see now. They will think ‘out-of-the-box’ on the experience they have and create a 'System' that works for them. And this ‘System’ is able to duplicate that works for them. This doesn't mean their 'System' work for you. But if you don't try, you'll never know.

 Does this piece of info set you thinking? Just give yourself a thought which direction you want to go on your internet marketing journey. Because the knowledge of internet marketing is so vast, I can show you my knowledge, skills and techniques on how to do it in Success Novice. How you want to go about it is really depends on individual. Nothing will succeed if you didn't to set yourself a goal to do it. Taking ACTION is the key.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Success Novice Goes Mobile

 It is an exciting notice for Success Novice main site today. Success Novice is has now improved to its learning channel to reach the wider community towards learning internet marketing in mobile. Now you can get the latest Success Novice updates and internet marketing information from your mobile phone. Yes, no delay, no need to bring your computer/laptop/netbook out everywhere or wait for it to startup when you are on the move . Just get the information and learn internet marketing directly anywhere you go from a size of a device smaller than your palm.

 The theme I use for Success Novice on Mobile is more simpler than the actual theme I used for the website but it moves towards mobile friendly (which it load more faster) as compared to using website template. It is more focus on content and I think this serve a good purpose for learning.

 Try Success Novice on Mobile today whenever you are on the move.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How To Use Gadgets In Blogger To Promote A Website

 What I’m going to show you today is purely for internet marketing newbies who are still totally new to use Blogger Widgets. Normally, we call the the blog gadgets as widgets. As for this blog, I shall call these widgets as 'Gadgets' for the IM newbies easier to understand.

 I understand many are very familiar on how to use the ‘Gadgets’ in Blogger, however, there do have people who are still unfamiliar with it and they are keen to learn the knowledge of internet marketing from the very basics. What Success Novice Blogspot does is to help this group of people. For today, if you want to learn something more out from the basics, you may visit Success Novice main site and Topicsfollow Blog Post where I have put up a few new updates.

Let’s get into the real basic in practical on how to set a website link on your Blogger sidebar with Blogger Gadgets. What this function does is to direct the visitors from your blog site to a website you want to promote. This can be your own website or an affiliate website. Let’s get into the basic process step-by-step:

1.    Click onto the link “Design” after you have logged into your Blogger central.

2.    Click onto the link “Add a Gadget” on your sidebar.

3.    A new window will pop-out. Scroll down the pop-up page and click on the ‘Add’ icon of the ‘Link List’.

4.    Fill in the applicable fields at your preference and mostly importantly, remember to ‘SAVE’ your settings. You may also able to re-arrange your website order within the same Gadget box. Take a few minutes to explore the function.

5.    Drag the box to position your Gadget. Click ‘View’ to see your configuration. When you are pleased with your configuration, SAVE your settings.

 It’s easy, isn’t it? Take a bit of time to explore other ‘Gadgets’ till you are familiar with them. You do not need to use all of them. Use those that you think they are useful to you. Have fun with these 'Gadgets' in Blogger and you can actually do many wonderful things with them in your blog site.

What Are Web 2.0 And Social Networking?

Web 2.0 and Social Networking are interchangeable terms that are used to describe interactive environments and communication strategies applied on the Internet.

Web 2.0 is a general term applied to any website that reacts to the input and activity of its users, such as a blog, a Twitter tweet, a Facebook profile or Fan page, a forum, or a Squidoo lens.

Social Networking is best defined as the regular interaction of people for some common cause. Of course there is really nothing new about social networking, and it’s something many of us do every day offline, especially in schools or in the workplace. But as a marketing trend this concept is growing more and more popular online.

This is because unlike most high schools, colleges, or workplaces, the Internet is filled with millions of individuals who are looking to meet other Internet users and develop both business and personal relationships. 

There are many portals for social networking on the web. Social networking websites are pretty much communities of Internet users that can range from small and tightly focused portals to enormous groups of people who all have different backgrounds and interests.

So a Web 2.0 resource or social networking site can exist on the basis of anything from hobbies, religion, education, business, or politics. And the idea behind getting involved in such a site is to meet new people who fit into one of two categories:

1.    People who have something you need.
2.    People who need something you have.

There’s a little more to it than this of course but the above two categories basically sum up the entire purpose of participating in social networking and Web 2.0 systems. You might be looking for someone with the missing element to your nearly completed Cajun recipe collection, or you could be searching for new prospects to bring into your personal sales funnel.

Whatever your goals are, the most important thing to do is just get involved as this is a part of social network marketing. Join some social websites and begin reading the profiles or profile pages of other members, and even start contacting the people who meet the criteria of who you are looking for.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Turn Yourself As An Expert Blogger

This is a widely known little secret to most expert blogger. Even a newbie can also turn into a professional blogger if you know this little secret.

The trick is to position your blog as the expert in your chosen niche. All you need to do is to comment and blog about popular subjects that the experts are talking about.

The experts are positioned and with this secret you can position yourself as an expert.

First you need to read the experts blog regularly and know the content very good.
Look through the comments and when people are asking questions make sure to answer them directly before the owner of the blog can!

Be nice to the blog owner and always provide helpful answers. Leave a link to your blog in the comments to be seen by the same audience that is reading the experts blog.

Comment on the 4 leading experts on your chosen niche to be seen by many readers and to be recognized as an emerging expert in the niche.

Now you need to be blog about the same subjects as the experts. For example, if an expert  blogs about a growing trend. You will need to first refer to that expert in your blog post giving a link to their article and talk about your opinion on the subject. No need to be opposing opinion as long as it's helpful. This way when people are searching for their post about the subject your post shows up too.

You will really need to use these tactics at the same time so you can be seen as their friend. Many people believe that experts, gurus, or mavens are all friends. So once they see you talking about the same things, and communicating with them... Your now the expert to them!

Before you do this trick, make sure you have at least 5 to 10 posts in your blog.

The reason is simple, if you use this strategy and the visitors find that your blog is quite empty, they may not come into your blog again.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

20 Advantages To Use WordPress To Build A Website

Success Novice is switching it’s normal web front page to Wordpress platform. Success Novice is going to focus on this powerful blogging system, Wordpress, on building the main site. And I strongly recommend this platform to those who want to learn to build a website.

Wordpress has the potential to be the perfect tool for your business to generate an average level of traffic to a central website. The relative advantages are:

1.    You don’t have to know php.
2.    You don’t have to know how to program at all.
3.    You don’t need to use the Wordpress hosting service. Although this is offered, it is not necessary.
4.    Wordpress has aggregator support for standard RSS configurations. This has already been done with Atom.
5.    Wordpress automatically connects and configures with MySQL with virtually no effort.
6.    Being built to standards increases Wordpress’s longevity and future internet adoption
7.    Wordpress automatically imports images.
8.    The Wordpress template has built-in links added in the template.
9.    Wordpress allows for the customization of metadata.
10.    Wordpress allows customized styling for printing.
11.    Wordpress allows the administrator to design headlines.
12.    Wordpress allows for categories.
13.    Wordpress allows for customization of the sidebar.
14.    Wordpress allows for customized RSS Feeds.
15.    Wordpress allows for customized forms.
16.    Wordpress allows for basic blogging posts.
17.    Wordpress allows archiving for posts.
18.    Wordpress allows for contacts in the template.
19.    Wordpress allows for an “about” page.
20.    Wordpress allows for the styling lists and is built with CSS.

There are plenty more reasons why you should learn to build a website using WordPress. The first thing you must know how to place a domain name to a WordPress platform in order to make a blog site to become website.

For example: http://your-domain-name.wordpress.com is change to http://your-domain-name.com

Visit Topicsfollow Blog Post to learn this website building essential skill on How To Install A Domain Name Into WordPress and read the latest tweets about WordPress via Topicsfollow.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Success Novice Is Evolving

 Here is a quick notice about SuccessNovice.com.

 Soon, there will be a major CHANGE of Success Novice site.

 Due the constant changing trend in the internet marketing, the main site for Success Novice is also require to make necessary changes. Although Success Novice has just launched for only a few months, changes are essential to fit into the internet industry.  I will be making a major upgrade to Success Novice main website to make it more interactive in learning internet marketing to suit its needs in Web 2.0.

 Although I'm very excited of what I will be doing, I'll keep it a ' little secretive' of  what I'll be changing for Success Novice main site first. I promise it will totally change of it's original face as it used to be.

 Do stay tune for the 'New Face' of the new Success Novice.

 Even though the main site will be changing, Success Novice Blogspot will continue to keep posting informative internet marketing strategies and resources for everyone to learn. Do continue your support to Success Novice Blogspot, and not forgetting Topicsfollow Blog Post.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

How To Set Up A Twitter Profile Widget

Today is a quick and easy lesson on how to set up a Twitter Profile Widget. Below Twitter Profile Widget is showing you in a real-time status. If the widget does not show any content or the loading time takes too long, you may refresh this post again to see contents in the widget.

Let's get onto the practical now:

Step 2: Enter Your Twitter Username

Step 3: Customize Your Preferences Settings

Step 4: Customize Your Appearance (Color) Settings

Step 5: Customize Your Widget Dimension

Step 6: Get Your Widget Code (HTML) And Paste It Into Your Webpage

Monday, September 27, 2010

Why Facebook And Twitter Buttons Are Great?

Why is it great to put both FaceBook and Twitter buttons on your website?

 Facebook and Twitter are two of the current social media giants which also play a big part on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in current Web 2.0 strategy.

 Facebook and Twitter buttons help to build a rapport, subconsciously, with the visitors who read the content of your website. They also leverage your website to the larger traffic through Twitter and Facebook with a single click of the button with the help of your visitors.

  If you have noticed the strange phenomenal on the internet, people just like to help other people to share the website they like to the world. They will be very kind enough to help you to promote your website for FREE as long they like your content.

 Most importantly, the more they like to click your Facebook and Twtter buttons, the easier your website gets into better ranking in the search engines.

 On top of that, your website will become more a popular with better reputation when new visitors see your Facebook and Twitter click-statistics have reached a substantial number of clicks on your button.

Human tends to be curious. The first thing when they see your Facebook and Twitter buttons clicks, they will tend to stay on and read more of your website’s content. This is where you can keep your visitors and create the opportunity to show what your website can actually provide to the audience.

Get Official Facebook ‘Like’ Button here: Facebook 'Like' Button

Customize Your Facebook 'Like' Button And Get The Button Code

Get Official Twitter ‘Tweet’ Button here: Twitter ‘Tweet’ Button

Customize Your Twitter 'Tweet' Button And Get The Button Code


 If you enjoy the information I have shared with you about Facebook and Twitter, I will be very much appreciated if you can support my blog by clicking ‘Like’ and ‘Tweet’ on this blog site’s Facebook and Twitter buttons. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Is Google Adsense Only Your Revenue Source?

 Is Google Adsense only your source of internet revenue? Here is a quick tip for you if you have a Google Adsense account. Do you know that if you apply more than one Google Adense, your accounts will likely to get banned even you used different names? Yes, it true. I know you hate to read every word on their terms of service, including myself, which makes my eyes so dizzy. The hard fact is, when your accounts are suspected to be misused, not only your account, your earning through Google Adsense will be forfeited too. So use your adsense with caution.

 But what happen if your adsense accounted is being suspended? With todays’ Google stringent adsense application criteria, it will take a lot of effort to reclaim your adsense account back.

Alternatively, you can buy a Google Adsense account via AdsenseG.

However, there is no 100% guarantee you can get an account even you willing to pay for it, unless your application is able to meet their review criteria. At least, you must have a good business website to submit your application for review.

 Here is a little secret way you can try to apply an Adsense Account absolutely free if you have a strong desire for an Adsense account. It's easy and free and you don't even need a blogger blog.

Step 1: Sign up Indyarocks

Step 2: Complete the minimum requirements through this link here: Indyarocks with Google Adsense. (i.e. you have to upload at least 10 photos and fill 50% of profile information and so on.)

This site is a social media site from India. It may look award for you to join into the site if you are not from india, however, if you still having a hard time to apply an Adsense account, it is worth to try this alternative way out to see if this works for you. As long you don’t give up, you will find a way.

 If you are serious to earn money online, Google Adsense is one of the many earning channels you can use on internet marketing.  More importantly, you have to develop yourself to have a Refuse to Give Up attitude. You will face many obstacles on the journey of internet marketing, especially for a newbie in this field.  Walk away is not an option. If you choose to face your obstacles, you are likely to achieve success on internet marketing.

 What make internet marketing turn out to be successful is to figure out a system that will work. Find a way that a human can easily to do it as possible and then figuring out how to do it. Repeat the system again, again and again... turning web traffic into money.

 Before starting an online business, sit down and take a look at your business. Make sure you don’t fall into the trap that will turn you Fat and Lazy. One important thing to take note, make sure you are not getting most of your traffic or leads from one source. If your only source of web traffic fails, your business will not able to generate income for you.

This also implies to your income source. Let’s say, if your Google Adsense is the only source of income generator, and it has been suspended by Google, there will be no other avenue to replace your current adsense revenue. Does this makes sense to you?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Social Trending In Twitter

Social trending on internet marketing has become the largest playing factor in Web 2.0 for achieving success on internet business. Twitter is one of the social media giants has rooted a strong battlefield ground for many internet marketers.

What makes a successful internet marketer emerges as a winner is that he understands the importance and know how to analyze the ‘social trends’ in Twitter community.

In Succees Novice Blogspot, I have put together 3 social trending sites that I find it useful and easy to perform research on Twitter social trends. At the starting point, use one of the social trending sites which you find most comfortable with and start learning how to analyze the social trends on Twitter.


Trendistic is a tool that allows you to track trends on Twitter, similarly to what Google Trends does for Google searches. It gathers tweets as they are posted, filters redundant ones and compiles the rest into one-hour intervals. The result is a visualization of what is popular and what is not among Twitter users, and how certain events are reflected or even predicted by the microblogosphere.

 To those who are new on internet marketing, Trendistics can be a bit overwhelming for you if you are not the type of person who likes to do analysis. However, if you know how use Google Trend to do research for trending topics, Trendistic will be as easy as clicking your mouse at your fingertip as it works similar concept as Google Trend. The only difference how Trendistic works is it analyzed the trending pattern in real time in Twitter community.

 If you know how to apply social trending in Twitter as part of your internet marketing strategy, you will love to use Trendistic.


TweetStats provide 2 type of simple analysis in the trend within Twitter in a quick overview.

1.    Graphical chart of Today’s Top 10 Trend and Current Trending

2.    Trend Cloud in Today’s Twitter Trend and Top 50 Trend of All time



Trendmap is a real-time mapping of Twitter trends across the world. With a single quick glance, it will show you what is the Hot Topics from around the globe in Twitter community discussing. It can also indicate the Twitter community most discussed tweets in a more specific country or city you live in via Featured Cities from around the globe.

More Ways to Track Twitter Trend

If you understand the basic concept on the importance of tracking social trending in Twitter, here is a great site where it shows you 15 Fascinating Ways to Track Twitter Trends.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How To Use HubPages Correctly

HubPages is a website designed around sharing advertising revenue for high-quality, user-generated content. HubPages is a free service provided to members (Hubbers) to establish an open online community on creating individual pages on specific topics and allows anyone to publish, discover and interact with people who share their interests.

HubPages ecosystem provides a search-friendly infrastructure which drives traffic to Hubs from search engines such as Google and Yahoo; this enables Hubbers to earn revenue from advertising vehicles such as Google AdSense, Kontera, and the eBay and Amazon Affiliates programs.

  HubPages, unlike normal blog sites, require unique contents to be published if you want to optimize its full functionality. Here are some basic ground rules you need to know on using HubPages correctly:

1.   If your Hub's content is unique to HubPages (doesn't appear anywhere else on the internet) then your Hub can have a MAXIMUM of 2 links to any one domain (tinyurl and other cloakers are considered wildcards).

2.    If your Hub's content appears anywhere else on the internet, then you may NOT add links to sites or offers you are promoting. This means that you can not have any promotional links on hubs that appear elsewhere on the internet.

3.   You can not give a short teaser and a link to "read more" or "continue". The Hub must have the full content you want to present.

4.   You can NOT add links to sites irrelevant to the Hub's topic

5.   Your hub may not contain an RSS feed that directs to the same site as a link within the body of the hub

6.   You should consider adding more original content, or legitimate links to other online resources that complement this Hub's topic

Your articles in your  Hub will not be unpublished after being reviewed as unsuitable to be published in HubPages. You will normally be requested to review and edit your articles in HubPages. The HubPages team will review your Hub again, and publish it if it abides by their rules. You will then get an email saying that the hub has been cleared for publication and republished. Please note that repeated violations on their Term of Use will result in the banning of your account if you misuse the functionalility in HubPages

What Counts as Spam on HubPages

Monday, September 13, 2010

How to Create a RSS Feed for Blogger

RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it. RSS is a technology that is being used by millions of web users around the world to keep track of their favorite websites.

In this blog I will show you how to create a simple RSS feed for your blog in Blogger.

1. Log into your Blogger Account.

2. Click the “Design” link at your Dashboard

3. “Add a Gadget” at your Gadget Side Bar

4. Choose “Feed” and you will need to enter your blog feed URL

5. To find your blog feed URL, open up a new tab or window, and scroll down to the bottom of your main blog site. You will see Post (Atom) link. Click onto the link and you will see your feed URL. For example on this blog feed URL is http://successnovice.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default

6. Copy your Blog Feed URL and paste it into your “Feed URL” gadget and click “Continue” and SAVE your settings. (Settings are optional, feel free to play with them)

7. Lastly, SAVE all your configurations and you are done with the setting.

 You may encounter your RSS feed post does not appear out onto your blog. You’ll need to refresh your Feed URL everytime you put up a new post through saving your RSS setting in Blogger Feed URL gadget in order for your new content feed to appear immediately in your blog.

 To maximize the RSS feeds in your blog, you can use FeedBurner, which your new content will automatically send into your RSS feeds . In addition, FeedBurner will also increase traffic to your blog or website from indexing into search engines. Learn how to create a FeedBurner for your RSS Feed in your blog at Topicsfollow Blog Post via Create FeedBurner For Your RSS Blog.