Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blogging Network And Blogging System

Blogging Network

Joining a Blogging Network may be the best thing for you, especially if you are just starting out with your blog. You should consider all the benefits of joining a blogging network, with the drawbacks before starting your blog.  A very good example where you are reading this blog post now at Success Novice Blogspot, is a Blogging Network from Blogger. This is a great place for newbies where you first starting to learn about blogging.

If you already have a blog, but it is not receiving much traffic, you can consider switching to a blogging network where your blog will receive more attention. If you are just starting out, a blogging network will help you to gain traffic but it may limit you in the long run if you want to make changes to your blog or if your blog becomes wildly popular.

If you already have a successful blog, then joining a blogging networks is probably not a good idea for you. You will be limited by the bandwidth your blog can receive and may not be able to carry over your existing design elements.

Blogging System

If you want to have a total control on your blog site with full customization at your own preference, you may consider switching to using a blogging system. However, blogging systems are not free.  You will need to buy a web host and also a domain name at a monthly or annual fee to maintain your site

Wordpress.org – Wordpress is the leading blogging system that is installed onto a web host. It provides powerful features over your blog. Easily add Ads, blog posts, and advanced plugins to increase functionality.

 I personally like to use WordPress where I started my first blogging site at SuccessNovice.com to share more of my knowledge through this great blogging system.  Of course, I need to get a web host and a domain name to get started.

Joomla.org – Joomla is a powerful Content Management system that allows for content heavy blogs such as News websites like CNN.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Affiliate Programs - What Are They?

Affiliate programs (also known as associate, referral, partner, or revenue sharing programs) are one of the fastest growing e-commerce segments because they create mutually beneficial relationships for the original seller and for the partner or affiliate.

 An affiliate program is simply one of the most leveraging methods for a company to promote its products or services without the expense of issuing any basic salary to full or part-time ‘employees’, or I would prefer to say ‘marketers’. An affiliate is a commissioned sales representative who earns solely from the profits of each product/ or service sold as individual. In another words, you sell the products and/or services for a particular company and you earn a commission on all sales.

 The beauty about affiliate programs is that the company handles all the order processing, billing, shipping, lost order tracking, etc. All you need to do is simply advertise the product or service - using an affiliate tracking code so the company knows who sold the product - and collect your commissions through their affiliate network provider.

Why Affiliate Programs So Hot On Market?

 Affiliate programs are available to you all across the Internet. You won’t have a boss breathing down your neck or monitoring your coffee breaks. You don’t have to make cold calls on rude people who don’t know you and don’t care to. You don’t have to suffer endless hours of telephoning prospects. See why affiliate and associate programs are fast becoming one of the HOTTEST ways to make profits online quickly?

 If you want to earn some additional income stream for yourself but totally new to affiliate programs, I will  strongly recommend you to start with Clickbank first. Clickbank is one of the most recommended places where most affiliate marketers (regardless newbies or veteran marketers) will be the first place to think of and start to earn their affiliate commissions there.

Introducing Cyber Whizz -- Learn to Express Your Thoughts Online

If you want to learn and know more about affiliate programs as it how it can help you.... Or even want to know whether this is the RIGHT path for you to earn online, check out  our First-Time FREE Consultancy at Cyber Whizz. We'll give you our professional advice to help you clear your doubts.

 X'mas Special Deal From Cyber Whizz

The beauty of reseller product is that you can sell quickly to set up a product to sell almost instantly and you don’t have spend every penny of it to create a product or even to hire a web designer to create a website to get started..

In this Christmas season, Cyber Whizz has created a very special deal at a limited time for selling a package that worth $1253. If you can just sell a single reseller product offered from the Cyber Whizz X’mas Special Deal, you will make at back at least every single cent with profits you have invested.

You will not believe your eyes how crazy the price will be offered by Cyber Whizz . As this is only a limited time offer, check out Cyber Whizz X’mas Special Deal now before the price goes up.



Friday, December 3, 2010

Quick And Easy Way To Create A Facebook Fan Page

A Facebook Page is sometimes also called as a Fan Page. Since it's not an easy task to figure it out on how to do it on yourself, you may want to know how to create a Facebook Fan Page here:

1.    Log into your Facebook account.

2.    Copy the link below and paste it on your browser.


3.    On Official Page, choose your selection that relates the use for creating your Facebook Page. Write a Page name to identify your Facebook Page. Click the ‘Check Box’. Click onto ‘Create Official Page’ button to create your Facebook Page.

4.    A pop up box on ‘Create Official Page’ will appear. Simply click onto ‘Create Page’ button.

5.    Your Facebook Page is now created. It’s time to give a face-lift on your Facebook Page by providing images, some information about your Page, etc.

This blog post helps you to guide though to create a Facebook Fan Page quickly. If you already have created a Facebook Page and want to know how you can add an opt-in form to your Facebook Fan Page, check out this blog post from Success Novice: How to Add an Opt-in Form in Facebook Fan Page.